
Jaký tablet si vyberete?

iPAD od Apple
Android od ACERu
Android od Samsungu
Android od ASUSu
Android od jiného výrobce
Windows 8 od Microsoftu
Tablet považuji za zbytečnost

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Komentářů: 2039


Zajišťujeme na míru kurzy a školení kybernetické bezpečnosti a informační bezpečnosti a to jak pro běžné uživatele, tak i pro IT odborníky a manažery.

Přesuňte starost o všechno IT na cloud pro podnikání od české společnosti Algotech s non-stop zákaznickou podporou.

O nás

Informace o Palmserver.CZ a kontakty na vydavatele jsou zde. Neposkytujeme rady ohledně software ani hardware! Není to v našich silách. Prosíme, abyste kontaktní informace nezneužívali pro výše uvedené účely.
Komentář k anketě

[Chybí předmět]

At first, it was a little disappointing that the Trezor Wallet did not have any desktop or mobile applications but soon it was changed after the Trezor Suite [] was launched.  It is a mobile application as well as the desktop application designed especially for the users of Trezor. Hence, just to retain their present users and to attract new ones, application was made. However, the features it offers are quite remarkable.

Equipped with simplicity, a secure login, key vault, token login, and may other exclusive lineaments Metamask Wallet [] has made a secure positioning in the mind of crypto investors (both novice and experienced). The approach to this wallet is not limited to one platform rather the wallet has come up with an intuitive user interface that can be run both on the mobile device and this on the web plugin as well. For this, the team has introduced a separate wallet app named MetaMask that is compatible to function on both Android and iOS.

Vaše jméno: Anonym



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