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Publikováno: 07.10, 2016 Autor: Pavel Skala Téma: Android
Související odkazy· Další články od autora Pavel Skala Nejčtenější článek na téma Android: Další Xiaomi smartphone na obzoru Hodnocení článkuÚčastníků: 0 Možnosti |
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Re: Další Xiaomi smartphone na obzoru (Hodnocení: 0) Od: Anonym - Pátek, 14.10. 2016 - 11:04:09 |
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For the ultimate South Pacific escape, the boutique adults-only bungalow resort, Aitutaki Lagoon Private Island Resort, was voted in the prestigious Condé Nast Traveler Readers Poll as one of the top 25 Resorts in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific, a wonderful accolade for this idyllic resort destination. Listed by Islands magazine as one of the Worlds 12 Best Private Islands, this sublime resort rests effortlessly on the secluded, private island of Motu Akitua, the Cook Islands only private island resort and the only resort directly on Aitutaki Lagoon. Cook Islands |
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Fiji Marriott Resort Momi Bay, known for being the only property on Fijis mainland to offer overwater villas, is nestled on the secluded Momi Bay on the western coast of Fijis main island, Viti Levu. The upscale resort is a smooth 45-minute drive from Nadi International Airport and is within easy reach of Nadi Town and Denarau Island. Fiji Islands |
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First discovered more than a millennium ago, the Island of Hawaii is where Polynesian mythology says Madame Pele, goddess of fire, dwells. She is said to live in the firepot of Halemaumau in Kilauea crater on the slopes of Mauna Loa, from where she actively pours new lava almost daily. Hawaii |
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The most popular activities in Papua New Guinea are trekking, canoeing, bird watching, fishing, surfing and diving, all of which get travellers up close and personal with nature and the people, the essence of PNGs special attraction. Throughout the country there are tours organised for all ages, skill levels and budgets. You can canoe down the Sepik and sleep in local villages, or visit exotic cultures during the day and at night sleep on a luxury cruise ship, or an eco lodge in a tributary. papua new guinea |
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Re: Další Xiaomi smartphone na obzoru (Hodnocení: 0) Od: Anonym - Pondělí, 22.04. 2019 - 11:25:28 |
"Aitutaki, the second most visited island in the Cook Islands group, is geologically part volcanic and part atoll. Just 220 kilometers north and an easy 45 minute flight from Rarotonga, its lagoon is considered one of the most magnificient in the world. Local legend claims that its highest hill, Maungapu, is said to be the top of Rarotongas Raemaru mountain that was chopped off and brought back by victorious Aitutaki warriors." Aitutaki |
Re: Další Xiaomi smartphone na obzoru (Hodnocení: 0) Od: Anonym - Pondělí, 22.04. 2019 - 11:49:07 |
One of the most beautiful of the Cook Islands, this spectacular atoll is home to Pacific Resort Aitutaki, a place of natural elegance set against a backdrop of the world famous Aitutaki Lagoon. Pacific Resort Aitutaki |
Re: Další Xiaomi smartphone na obzoru (Hodnocení: 0) Od: Anonym - Pondělí, 22.04. 2019 - 12:37:42 |
Just a 45-minute flight from Rarotonga, Aitutaki Lagoon Private Island Resort offers the only overwater bungalows in the Cook Islands, a quintessentially Polynesian experience. Select from Overwater Bungalows, Deluxe Beachfront Bungalows, Premium Beachfront Bungalows and Beachfront Bungalows Aitutaki Lagoon Private Island Resort |
Re: Další Xiaomi smartphone na obzoru (Hodnocení: 0) Od: Anonym - Pondělí, 22.04. 2019 - 13:21:58 |
Rarotonga is the main island of the Cook Islands and caters to almost 90 percent of the countrys tourist accommodation and offers many activities. The population is approximately 13,000, mostly indigenous Cook Islands Maori and almost half living around Avarua on the north coast. The Maori ancestors landed on the Cook Islands in their magnificent, giant double-hulled canoes that are still proudly part of the traditional way of life. They were guided by their knowledge of the stars and the famous power of Polynesian navigation. Rarotonga |
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Immerse yourself in paradise at this renowned four-star, full-service resort set along the islands best white sand beach lapped by a crystal-clear lagoon. The Aroa Lagoon Marine Sanctuary offers the islands best snorkelling where you can swim with jewel-coloured fish at any tide (all-tide lagoons are rare on Rarotonga) The Rarotongan Beach Resort & Lagoonarium |
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Sunset Resort has 35 spacious self-catering apartments that are located either on the beachfront overlooking the lagoon or beside one of the two swimming pools that are set in lush, tropical gardens. The resorts intimate atmosphere guarantees all guests feel welcome while they enjoy the magic of Rarotonga and its people. Ideally located for convenience and privacy, the resort is just a short drive from the main town of Avarua and minutes from the golf course and tennis courts. Sunset Resort |
Re: Další Xiaomi smartphone na obzoru (Hodnocení: 0) Od: Anonym - Úterý, 23.04. 2019 - 07:57:25 |
Step from your Beachfront Suite onto the secluded white sands of Aroa Beach, swim in the crystal clear waters of the lagoon and snorkel among multi-coloured tropical fish. The resort offers guests 16 and over a stylish swimming pool, swim-up bar (the only one at a high-end resort on the island), and Bluewater Grill showcasing fine Pacific cuisine. Sanctuary Rarotonga- On The Beach |
Re: Další Xiaomi smartphone na obzoru (Hodnocení: 0) Od: Anonym - Úterý, 23.04. 2019 - 08:36:56 |
Step into a world like no other, one of palm trees swaying and the gentle sounds of lapping water as you sink your toes into the golden sand. Intimate by nature, this haven will still feel like its all yours even when its at its fullest. Nestled in the quaint village of Titikaveka, on Rarotongas southern coast, and on absolute beachfront, Royale Takitumu boasts ten intimate and secluded villas surrounded by beautifully manicured gardens and freshwater ponds, their relaxing water features adding to the serene atmosphere. Royale Takitumu |
Re: Další Xiaomi smartphone na obzoru (Hodnocení: 0) Od: Anonym - Úterý, 23.04. 2019 - 11:12:48 |
Located in Vaima on Rarotongas enchanting south coast, Palm Grove enjoys the peace and tranquillity of one of the best locations in Rarotonga in the Cook Islands. The white sand beach fronts a spectacular lagoon that offers some of the islands best swimming, snorkelling, and kayaking. Palm Grove |
Re: Další Xiaomi smartphone na obzoru (Hodnocení: 0) Od: Anonym - Úterý, 23.04. 2019 - 12:07:40 |
The island paradise of Rarotonga is legendary for its beauty. Its mountainous peaks are ringed by beautiful beaches and stunning crystal clear lagoons. The most beautiful of these is in Muri, and it is here that Pacific Resort Rarotonga is located. Pacific Resort Rarotonga |
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